Time saving and efficiency – Two big drivers for Advertising agency bottom-line

In Artwork Production Management by Jose Thomas


Advertising Agencies were traditionally been the connectors between the consumers and brands. The brands were built by them along with the able directions of brilliant marketers. Advertising agencies used to be the custodians of the brand, and it’s tone of voice.

Now it is changing faster than ever, the landscape is altered due to options available for a brand owner to choose from. There wasn’t a more turbulent time for advertising agencies ever in the past. Agencies are going through the challenges of the digital transformation and are at the receiving end of this onslaught. Advertising is being re-defined at every moment, leaving them with lesser controls over the marketing eco system.

The agencies got fragmented into specialized units, and competition is the new reality for agencies everywhere. The spiraling cost, reduction in remuneration and instant shift of accounts are challenges across – be it smaller or mid-sized, even true for a network agency.

The opportunity to increase their revenue depends purely on the client’s willingness to accept the contributions of the agency. While it can still be argued or demanded, the internal cost control could be achieved by deploying effective processes and technology tools. This will help the agency management with enough data and insights to effectively utilise the time of creative, studio and client servicing team which will eventually be converted into precious rupees. And while scaling up, the efficiency takes up the central role in ensuring profitable growth. But how do you achieve that, given the fact advertising functions were traditionally been managed rather reactively than being process oriented. To be true, there hasn’t been any methods to its madness!

Now with the current breed of young agency professionals who are adept in technology tools, processes and digital platforms, this becomes easier than ever. With the advent of cloud, remote access and app-based transactions, the young workforce enjoys them working on technology platforms.

The new age workflow platforms for agencies give it an important decision-making tool – availability of data. Data to measure the efficiency and utilization of resources, the delivery commitments vs actual delivery to it’s clients and insights to find new ways to increase billing. These platforms make the team more efficient by allowing them to work in the comfort of their travel, client visits or from home as well. Mobile interfaces, instant updates of completion of task, feedback from clients, deadlines, reminders through email or sms are another interesting and useful feature.

It sets the agency leadership free from issues arising out of non-compliance of process, which often lead to costly mistakes and loss of face in front of brand owners. These leads to break down of relations which can further lead to business loss to the agency. The saving of time through the faster completion of work, lesser versions of iterations will lead to major uptick to the bottom-line growth.

Xegency – Solution to manage the workflow of Advertising Agencies

  • Xegency is an online platform from Innoval Digital Solutions for advertising agencies to manage the workflow and functions of creative, copy, studio to deliver creative ideas, layouts, artworks, adaptations, language adaptations, Video contents etc to clients and internal teams for review and approval.
    Xegency can be deployed with it’s standard workflow or with one or more customized workflows required in an agency. It allows mandatory or optional reviews by various teams and ensure that clients receive the creatives or artworks only after due processes and checks.
  • advertising-agency

Xegency also has a Digital Asset Management module to store the assets and helps to retrieve them easily. The files can be downloaded by clients also when they are shared by CS team. Mobile interface allows to review the artworks and to put comments, annotations easily and act as a collaboration tool to get feedback from multiple team members.

Xegency could provide the much-needed efficiency and agility the agency team and can help them to generate reports and data required by the clients. More so with the procurement involve seriously in matters of vendor efficiency and vendor rating. The platform can be customized to suit an agency work culture, scale and to the needs of it’s clients.

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About the Author

Jose Thomas

Principal Consultant (Digital Products & Services). Jose is passionate about brands, advertising and marketing communication, he always tracks the latest trends in marketing. He successfully led business analysis for many software implementation projects for leading brand owners. He was behind the software product development of Xemarks, Xeproof and Xegency by defining all it’s features to the granular details, and implemented them with reputed clients. His experience as a business analyst and expertise in software lifecycle management helps to identify challenge and gaps in business operations and to suggest solutions. An avid reader of business news and technology trends, he follows business trends across the globe with focus on to large brand owners. He likes travel and writing, engaged in leadership development initiatives at various forums.

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