IVL Annual Day 2022

In IVL-Events by admin


The Annual day was a fun packed evening where time went by without us ever noticing it. The evening was one of fun, joy and laughter. But most importantly, it was an evening of socialising. After two years of interacting through Teams and video calls, we were finally able to meet everyone in person, share experiences, small-talks and were thrilled on what the evening had in store for us. After a formal event, the events kicked off with a song from Gireesh. The anchors Sanju and Albany really drove the program well enabling the audience to enjoy it. Moreover, everyone was encouraged to be part of the programme rather than just viewing it. The theory of “There are no audiences in this programme” helped the anchors pull the audience to the stage.

Among the list of programmes, there were two which really stood out. The first: a Fashion show by the senior leaders of IVL. To see their leaders in their best walking down the ramp with such confidence was indeed an energising experience. Almost every IVLion was rooting, cheering and making noise for their most favourite manager. It was indeed an energy packed programme. The second was the distributing of titles. Titles were handed out to many IVLions. Each title when presented was something someone among the audience could relate to. The Bahubali award for instance was an award which every IVLion could relate to because of their commitment to their work and in meeting the goals of the organisation. Some names from the award (Dennis the Menace for instance) will stick around the IVLions who received it for a justifiable amount of time.
After concluding the events, the eye-catching event was the DJ. We all danced and laughed for hours on end when the DJ mixed the tunes and set the atmosphere for us to enjoy. We could see many talented dancers but most importantly, everyone just clicking to the tunes and enjoying a good time with their colleagues. The energy present in the venue was unparalleled. By the time it was over, it was hard for everyone to accept the fact that “All good things must come to an end”. We had an evening of fun, action and a lot of laughter. Many forgot themselves as they tuned in to the energy in the venue